AMcS Travel

Experience the World


Travel stories and tips from around the world

A Year Without Travel

A Year Without Travel

In March of 2020 I had planned to visit Peru on my first educational trip with Travel Beyond. I’d spent a summer in Cusco sixteen years earlier and couldn’t wait to return to my old stomping grounds. But then, just two days before my departure, everything changed. The...

Medellin: A City Transformed

Medellin: A City Transformed

Women stood in doorways offering a smile. Children darted across the inclined road, engaged in what appeared to be a game of tag. Laundry fluttered on clotheslines and across balconies, like colorful flags waving hello. Peering down alleyways, intricate street art...


Yellowstone high country: my connection to hemingway

Yellowstone high country: my connection to hemingway

“The nights were cold, and, if you woke up… you would hear the coyotes. … You could sit in the front of the cabin, lazy in the sun, and look across the valley. … You remembered the elk bugling. … You remembered how this country had looked when you first came into it …...

About Alison

Some travel to see. I travel to experience, to immerse myself in a new place, surrounded by new people. From photo essays to articles, I hope to not only capture the journeys I’ve taken but inspire others to embark on their own adventures.