A Guide to Minnesota’s Outdoor Must-Dos
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been planning trips, my passport becoming my most valuable possession. My life was about heading elsewhere, exploring the big, wide world. Cue COVID-19 and a time during which I was unable to leave my house, let...
Exploring Antarctica With Those There Before Me
Outside I saw nothing but churning water and oppressive skies. The late afternoon rainfall slowly increased until a steady stream of water poured down. Two days had come and gone since boarding Le Lyrial back in Ushuaia, Argentina, and not one moment passed without...
Siblings Beefy Bond
My brother Teddy loves hamburgers. Well, actually, he loves cheeseburgers. At every restaurant, regardless of city, that's his order: In part because, born with Down syndrome, he doesn't like change. But more so because he knows what he likes, so why order anything...